Someplace like America is about seeing things throught the eyes of regular people in America that went through the great depression and other hard times. They traveled around the country interviewing and photographing workers white collar and blue collar whose lives were growing worse. Springsteen talks about when he first wrote the book it was about the then raging bubble economy, but then things took a turn for the bad when in 2008 when the stock market tanked and two years after officials brag that another great depression has been avioded but nothing was done for workers and low-income Americans.
He talks about how america has been taking care of the wealthy for the last 30 years and not helping the low class with jobs and things. He says that the country is in a depression and we been in one for a very long time and the word great recession is misleading because if we appiled it to what went on in 1930 the great depression was technically two great recession. He says one thing that he discovered about American people is that there strong and survivors. I think a book like this has needed to be done to show what regular people go through with losing their jobs and becoming homless.
I think that the government is messed up. They just take care of the wealthy and could carless about the poor and it keeps getting harder on the poor and the middle class. People in the middle class are losing jobs and losing homes and becoming homless. The way they traveld around the country and interviewed regular people that were affected by thy economy is something that you don't hear about everyday if you hear about the economy they never talk or show how it affects everyday people out here. This book breaks down a little of what regular americans went through during the great depression and what their still going through with the economy today.
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