Wednesday, August 31, 2011

writing 4

Ashtin Strelke
Michael Benton
Eng. 1202
August 31, 2011
                In the video changing education paradigms they talk about a lot of things concerning education. Such as school being set up as a factory lines other than a place to learn. They also talk about how kids are losing focus in school because of all the distractions they have and the teachers are saying it’s not the distraction that something is wrong with the kid and that they need to take the kid and drug them up so they can focus. They also talk about things like classification, standardized testing, and how the current school system is designed for a different age.  
                The way the video talks about the school system being like a factory line is by the ringing bells, separate subjects, and educating by batches of the same age group. I feel like the school systems does do this in a way  they do just throw us in with people our same age and like the video said who’s to say that kids learn better with people the same age or in batches some kids might learn better on their own than in a group. They talk about how teachers are trying to say that there is something wrong with someone’s kid because they can’t focus in school and they say they have ADHD when really nothing is wrong with them it’s just that the way their teacher the kids is boring and if it’s boring the kids are less likely to stay focus and with all the electronics that kids have accesses to it’s hard for them to focus. The thing that I hate the most about the school system is standardized testing I don’t think that a test can tell how smart you are or how you are going to learn. I think that it is something that they need to take out of the school system.
                In the article Communique form an absent future they talk about how universities set people up to be in debt in the long run. They talk about how a university diploma is worthless now days. They also talk about how we work for jobs we already have. How the universities set us up to be in debt is that they let you take out these loans that they throw interest on it and it just builds up over time and most people die owing on student loans. Why a university diploma is worthless now days is because after you graduate if you didn’t pick a job in high demand than it very difficult to find a job and how we work for jobs we already have is most students in college have jobs and when they graduate they can’t find a job so their stuck working the same job they had the whole time.
                In both of these they are against the schools and how we run things in this country. in changing education paradigms they look all ages of school while in communique form an absent future they just focus on how messed up the universities are. But I’m on the side of both of them I totally agree with what both of them are saying I feel like standardized testing, and giving drugs to kids are wrong and that they school is set up like a factory line. I also agree with communique form an absent future with how the universities are setting us up for failure with the student loans and worthless diplomas.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Writing 3

Someplace like America is about seeing things throught the eyes of regular people in America that went through the great depression and other hard times. They traveled around the country interviewing and photographing workers white collar and blue collar whose lives were growing worse. Springsteen talks about when he first wrote the book it was about the then raging bubble economy, but then things took a turn for the bad when in 2008 when the stock market tanked and two years after officials brag that another great depression has been avioded but nothing was done for workers and low-income Americans.

He talks about how america has been taking care of the wealthy for the last 30 years and not helping the low class with jobs and things. He says that the country is in a depression and we been in one for a very long time and the word great recession is misleading because if we appiled it to what went on in 1930 the great depression was technically two great recession. He says one thing that he discovered about American people is that there strong and survivors. I think a book like this has needed to be done to show what regular people go through with losing their jobs and becoming homless.

I think that the government is messed up. They just take care of the wealthy and could carless about the poor and it keeps getting harder on the poor and the middle class. People in the middle class are losing jobs and losing homes and becoming homless. The way they traveld around the country and interviewed regular people that were affected by thy economy is something that you don't hear about everyday if you hear about the economy they never talk or show how it affects everyday people out here. This book breaks down a little of what regular americans went through during the great depression and what their still going through with the economy today.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


where are you from?
I'm from louisville
what's your experience writing?
i hate writing but can do it
what do you care about/religion?
my religion is baptist i care about family and having fun
what culture or music?
hip hop
why are you in college?
to get a better job in life.

political compass